Questions and Answers – Building Blocks of Education


Since it has been about a month and a half into my internship here at 7 Generation Games, I have come across many interesting situations testing Spirit Lake and Fish Lake. One of my first testing concerns was when I needed to exit out of Spirit Lake during the middle of level 4. I could not find a “save” button and had to ask our CEO AnnMaria about saving my progress. Luckily, Spirit Lake automatically saves your progress and will return you to the level that you left off.


I was fortunate to have the co-founder of 7 Generation Games available to answer my question, and as a result was able to address a possible interruption in learning math in Spirit Lake. The game automatically saves, and as a result users can readily and easily play the game without having to repeat levels. While 7 Generation Games goes out into the Native American community and trains teachers and students on how to use the game, we have seen users from all over the world begin to play our games. As a result, we have been working on updating our Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs.


Whilst I have been suggesting questions to add to our FAQ page, I reflected on the importance of questions in the classroom. When students ask teachers questions, there is a need for immediate help in each area to keep the students engaged. Whether it is math, English, or science, students seeks guidance to better understand a particular topic. We try to provide this same type of immediate support to students and teachers through our FAQs page and can also answer any individual questions through our contact page.


The interaction process that involves questions and answers will continue to change as education moves into unfamiliar territories: online education, gamification of education concepts, and change in the curriculum such as the newly added common core standards. Nonetheless, policy makers and educators must focus on one of the fundamental aspects of learning – questions and answers. Otherwise, a disruption in learning will cause students to lack the knowledge in moving forward to more complex concepts.


– Trent

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