The following movies were created to supplement the content covered in Spirit Lake. Math content focuses on numbers and operations, while the cultural content videos focus on Dakota (Sioux) culture. You can also visit our 7 Generation Games YouTube channel.
Spirit Lake Math Videos
Math Vocabulary
Math Terms – Sometimes students can’t solve a problem because they don’t understand what it’s asking. When you can’t remember which is the product and which is the quotient, watch this! (BONUS! This video is also available in Spanish.)
Perimeter And Polygons What’s a polygon? Is a heart a polygon? What’s a perimeter and how do you find it? (BONUS! This video is also available in Spanish.)
5 Things To Know About Subtraction – What is subtraction? Is a number subtracted from itself always zero? What are 3 more things about subtraction? Watch this video to find out.
Long Multiplication Multiplying two-digit numbers? Multiplying three-digit numbers? It’s not that hard. Let Grandma show you how with these examples.
Long Multiplication – multiplication of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – As this video shows, you can take the difficulty out of multiplication of large numbers by breaking it down into two or three easier problems. Can you multiply 10 by 300 ? Then you’re half-way there!
Also, check out the video, Perimeter And Polygons for using multiplication to find the perimeter in squares and rectangles.
Solving a word problem using division – This is from our series on problem-solving strategies, “Start at the end”. It uses an example of a two-step word problem , with addition and division.
Using Division to Solve Word Problems Solve word problems that require dividing two-digit and three-digit numbers
Solving Long Division Problems by Guessing Can the first step in solving a long division problem really be to guess at the answer? Yes, yes, it can.
Long Division by Example This continues where the previous long division video left off, working through examples step by step.
Problem-solving Strategies
Problem Solving: Make It Easier – Using the example of subtraction with three-digit numbers, this video shows how to solve a problem by making it into an easier problem.
Estimation and the World’s Largest Venus Fly Trap Maria explains how to use estimation to solve math problems. It’s like guessing but more scientific.
Problem Solving: Visualize – Some problems can be solved by drawing, or even just imagining, a picture.
Problem Solving Tip: Start at the End – This video uses an example of a two-step word problem , with addition and division to show how starting at the end can help you avoid errors. (Also linked above under division.)
Bonus: All these problem-solving videos and more are available in Spanish.
Using Number Lines
How To Use A Number line – Learn what number lines are all about and how super useful these can be. You can use number lines for subtraction, to illustrate negative numbers and even in tracking buffalo.
Dakota History and Culture Videos
Afterlife – The Dakota believed in an afterlife. What do you think there view was of what life after death?
Counting Coup – What does it mean to count coup? What’s a coup stick? Why was counting coup considered an act of bravery?

Becoming a Buffalo Hunter How did you learn to hunt buffalo? How old did you have to be? Video with photos and paintings from the Library of Congress.
Deer and Buffalo Hunting Season? Did the Dakota have hunting seasons? Do you think they hunted the same animals all year round?
Becoming a Buffalo Hunter in Native American Culture How did you learn to hunt buffalo? How old did you have to be? This is the same audio as the one above but with animation. These two videos together are great resources for a lesson on the value of primary sources.
Buffalo Pony – A buffalo pony, sometimes called a war pony, was the most prized possession among the Teton Sioux. Learn what made these horses special.
Dakota Tracking Ability – You may think of the Dakota as living in tribes, but individual tribal members or families often went hunting or to visit relatives. So, how did they track down their tribe again?
Education of Dakota Boys – Boys were expected to learn to hunt, to protect the buffalo herd and the tribe.
Eagle Pits – Dead animals were used as bait for eagle traps. Sometimes, though, the hunter caught more than he expected.
Earning an Eagle Feather – Eagle feathers were earned through acts of bravery or generosity. If you ever wondered why Native Americans might be offended by seeing someone wearing a bonnet of eagle feathers on Halloween, watch this video.
Importance of Tobacco to Native American Tribes – Many Native American tribes consider tobacco to be sacred and burn tobacco when they pray.
Story of the Lost Wife – An old legend of a woman who left her abusive husband for a wolf. How do you think that worked out?
Winter Time – How did the Dakota keep warm in the winter? What did they do all winter?