M-Learning, Another Way to Learn

Smartphones and tablets have changed the focus of technology, but have also changed the ways in which information is communicated and accessed by society.

Students’ interest in the use of smartphones and tablets is an opportunity to create a new and exciting educational experience in the classroom and at school. In this sense, M-learning or mobile learning is a new way of accessing educational content through mobile phones, laptops or tablets. Thanks to these, you can continuously access the learning process wherever and whenever you want.

Mobile learning is dominated by learning through research and problem solving, cooperative learning, game learning, project learning, and action-oriented learning.


  • Access anytime-anywhere: It is possible to be sitting on the beach or answer a survey whenever you want.
  • Motivation: Not surprisingly, children are more motivated and interested in learning when they can use electronic devices.
  • Different types of content: You can add videos, audio, images and more to make the content more attractive and interesting.
  • Distance is not a problem: If one student lives in California and another in New York, both can see the same content and take the same tests! This is one of the main benefits of mobile learning that has been evident in recent times.

At 7 Generation Games we have games that run on: iPad, iPhone, Tablets and Android Phones, in addition to our versions for Windows and Mac computers.


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