Breaking down barriers to success, one math problem at a time

Today I was thinking about what to write about. Usually—as our subscribers know—we dedicate this section to showcase technological advancements, trends in education, and more. However, this time, with the 7 Generation Games team, we want to take it further and show you the “core” of why we dedicate our time, effort, and energy to the development of educational resources.


Starting a company is not easy, it requires a lot of dedication. Therefore, there must be a great motivation on the part of those who carry out this work. A few weeks ago, the team from the United States and Chile was working hard together with a group of marketing experts to review and reformulate our actions. Among different exercises carried out inside and outside the organization, we verbalized these concepts that we want to share with you:

  • We believe that not enough educational technology is focused on meeting the needs of students and teachers in low-income communities.
  • We believe all children have the right to a quality education that gives them options for the future.
  • We believe that language is often a barrier to academic achievement for many bright, low-income children.
  • We believe that math education is the foundation of individual success and community economic growth.
  • We believe that native languages and cultures should be more integrated into the standard curriculum so that students are able to see themselves reflected in their daily lives at school. 
  • We believe that preparing students for the future requires understanding our collective history.


At 7 Generation Games, we envision an educational system where all communities have the tools and resources they need to foster strong connections to their heritage while creating new opportunities for their future.

So what do we do beyond creating educational video games?


To break down underserved students’ barriers to educational and life-long success, we develop low-cost, highly-accessible teaching apps that blend math skills, native language development, and multicultural recognition to give educators and students alike the tools they need to succeed.


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