Top 3 Videos from 7 Gen Games TV

Yes, Irma the Intern  may be back in Kansas but I found this draft of a blog post that never got published, so enjoy.

Yes we create awesome games that teach math, indigenous history, Spanish, and English! But there’s more to us as a company than the average would person would know. We have a reality tv youtube page (CHECK US OUT HERE) and post awesome videos! So stop watching cat or DIY videos and watch us! You won’t regret it!

5 ways judo helped me run a start-up (and 1 way it hurt)

I love how AnnMaria describes how sports helped her in her career, specifically running a start up. Many times people say that sports can distract one from their future when in reality, sports help people build character and learn life skills which will prepare them for the real world.

Julia’s Tragic Life

I love these two together in any video. Nothing beats a mother daughter conversation like this video. 

Maria and Diana unbox and taste test a bunch of treats from the UK

Okay I may be biased on this but I love different cultures and food. SO what is NOT to love about this video? Plus Diana and Maria and HILARIOUS and some of my favorite people as well!

Want to binge watch more? Check them out here! 

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