Making Camp: Dakota – Past & Present, the newest game from 7 Generation Games and the first created under the Growing Math project, is now available.

Making Camp: Dakota – Past & Present draws from design workshops conducted with youth from the Upper Sioux Community (Minnesota) and Spirit Lake (North Dakota). The game combines both math and Dakota culture by leveraging oral storytelling and teaching standards-aligned advanced division skills. The game is recommended for students in Grade 4-6.
As the title suggests, the game draws from the past and the present, merging tradition and technology. Driven by the student designers, the game is set in the modern-day at a powwow. The contemporary setting was important because as the students indicated, it was important to them that the game reinforce that Indigenous cultures, communities and people are present today, not just artifacts from the past as too often is portrayed in K12 curriculum. In fact, a study by the National Congress of American Indians found that “87% of state history standards include no mention of Native American history after 1900.”
Through this game, we are working to be part of creating vetted educational resources and resources to help address that unacceptable gap.
Making Camp: Dakota – Past and Present includes 14 educational modules, 7 each on math and culture. Similar to other games in 7 Generation Games’ successful Making Camp series, players play through game-based educational modules to earn points and create their own customized virtual world scenes.
How much does it cost?
Making Camp: Dakota – Past & Present is completely free to play.
What devices does it work on?
It currently runs on a computer (desktop or laptop) or Chromebook. The game is a browser-based game, meaning you can play it in any web browser. There are plans to release iPhone and Android versions this summer.
Are there teacher reports available?
Yes, teacher reports for Making Camp: Dakota – Past & Present are available for educators participating in Growing Math as well as any teacher whose classroom, school or district has a 7 Generation Games license.
What’s coming next?
This summer will see us roll out bilingual math games with the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs in Oregon and in Diné (Navajo).
What is Growing Math again?
Growing Math is a six-state, USDA-funded math initiative – available to schools and classrooms at no-cost – that provides classroom-ready lessons and games combining math, agricultural science and Indigenous history and culture. Developed to be easily used in classrooms, via hybrid models or through distance learning. Schools also receive professional development training, data reporting and related tech support. Teachers are paid a stipend for participation.
Fun fact: The real-world powwow footage featured was created with Minot State University’s Native American Cultural Awareness Club and Center. 7 Generation Games will be “premiering” the game at Minot State’s 31st Spring Honor Dance & Powwow Celebration on April 30-May 1 in Minot.
Bonus fact: Making Camp: Dakota – Past & Present is the 16th game by 7 Generation Games and our 5th game in the Making Camp Series! You can check out all our games here.