We are working on a new game, set on an American Indian reservation,

Crossroads, and we have a female character named, Jessie and a male character named ? He is supposed to be from a tribe in the Great Plains and live on or near the reservation. He has a cousin, Sam, who is in our game, Forgotten Trail. Sam and nameless guy both have an Ojibwe grandparent. That is all we have for his back story for now. Suggestions welcome!
I’ll be at Spirit Lake and Bismarck at the end of this month so if your class has any suggestions, I’d love to drop in and hear them in person. I’ll be at Turtle Mountain, too, but only on the weekend. If you want to meet up, holler.
Woody after Woodrow Keeble.
So…..for nameless guy….how about Ben. I know it sounds boring but the Ojibwe name “Binesi” means “thunderbird” so he could be Ben for short.
Greetings, Here is my suggestion for the character that is unnamed> Alroy would be a good/great name for your new game. My son Alroy has been a gamer as is everyone’s child/ren. He’s amazing when he starts working with Legos, can create characters and then using same loge blocks, can turn the character into another character just by moving a few legos on the character and WOW, it’s a different character. He likes playing video games and always makes comments on how the game can be improved. Hope my suggestion WINS! Have a great game day!
Boozhoo – means Hello in Ojibwe