What is Growing Math About? 5


In Reflection
Since the beginning, 7 Generation Games has been steadily working to deliver much-needed resources to rural learners and educators in Native American and Latino communities. The pandemic ramped up our efforts to develop a response to the education disparities that were laid bare last spring. Closing the digital divide and making kids smarter with STEM have always been our key efforts, however, it’s more important now than ever as many students have lost out in potential learning growth over the past school year, and are continuing to struggle with at-home learning.

Introducing Growing Math
Growing Math is a new platform targeting 1,500 teachers and 27,000 tribal students in Grades 3-8 in six states: Arizona, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon and South Dakota.

Close the digital divide for Native students.

At no cost, the Growing Math platform will provide participating teachers with the tools and training needed to continue serving our Native American students living within tribal lands and urban cities.

Growing Math’s culturally responsive resources can help you improve attendance, engagement, and remote connectivity during COVID-19. Resources include lesson plans for math, agriculture, social studies and our games, which can help educators save valuable lesson planning time. Some resources, like lesson plans and videos, are ready for anyone to access from the website. These are easily used in classrooms, via hybrid models or through distance learning.

Why is it free of charge? Well, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has funded Growing Math with a $1 million COVID-19 Rapid Response grant. This means we can help even more students with our learning resources than we did in our earlier years. We are absolutely stoked!

Visit Growing Math.org to see our resources. To have full access, interested schools need to sign up with the Growing Math project. Teachers will be added to cohorts to begin training. Email the Growing Math project at growingmath@7generationgames.com to begin.

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