Fourth Grade

Introducing fractions can be done with anything , like that 2/8 of these snakes are brown
STANDARD: Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b AAGH! It’s August and almost back to school time. Maybe you are that super-teacher who has everything ready. For the rest of you mere humans, who wish you could have a lesson plan together in just 10 minutes, have […]

Introducing Fractions : Lesson Plan

Learn division with refrigerator magnets
Intern Diaries contribution from Irma Barcena I remember in kindergarten, I would give my mother my work and she would hang it on the fridge. It varied from art and colored pictures. As I got older, it became assignments and tests where I did well, and eventually only the As […]

From papers on the refrigerator to division magnets

Fish Lake
Learn about fractions and numberlines with Anookwesens. How was it that hundreds of years ago, Indians traveled all over and met up with one another just the right spot? It’s not as if they had computers to print maps to tell them where to go, and it’s a really big […]

VIDEO – Fractions on a Numberline

Kid playing making camp
One in a series on problem solving tips from our game Making Camp, this short video shows how to make a problem easier by only keeping essential information. What is ‘essential information’, anyway ? In Making Camp, players practice multiplication and division skills while learning math problem-solving strategies. They’ll also […]

VIDEO – Problem Solving Tip: Throw it out