June Newsletters Will be Written Without Adult Supervision

Let’s cut to the chase – I think our weekly newsletters can be more interesting.

If you didn’t know, now you know.

Where does that phrase – “Let’s cut to the chase” mean, anyway and why do we say that? It means to get to the point and it comes from silent movies, where the scene would move from dialogue or something else slow moving to a chase scene.

Our newsletters are often focused on topics of interest to teachers and parents – how can games help your student or child learn, how can our games help with collecting the data teachers need to show students are learning. All of that is good but  I think we could do better. Because my mother always said that you shouldn’t complain about the job someone else is doing unless you are willing to do it yourself, I will be taking over the newsletter in June and sending out an AnnMaria edition every week.


Some ideas I had:

  1. Include a math or other bad joke in each newsletter. Even though these jokes are silly, people find themselves repeating them to their kids, students or just to annoy their spouse. Example: “Why weren’t 4 + 4 hungry? Because they are already 8.”
  2. Misunderstandings when teaching students who are learning English. For example, math students trying to figure out what the heck square roots in math have to do with the roots of trees.
  3. It’s not that easy – things that drove us crazy this week in game design, working with schools.
  4. A good website or book I’d recommend, for math, education, parenting or just in general.


Please feel free to add your ideas below and I hope you like the newsletters, open them and read them. When I start doing these, the ones by me will have in the subject header – AnnMaria Edition

Don’t forget to check out Forgotten Trail – only $4.99 . Runs in any browser on Mac and Windows. It’s fun and you will learn.

Characters with dog traveling across a map

If you’re already smart enough, you can use the same link to donate a copy.


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