Educators, the Social Studies Innovation Network has instructional tools ready for you!
The Social Studies Innovation Network just released a collection of interactive websites, games, and curricular resources for K-12 class, blended- and remote-learning settings. The contributors had previously presented at the Social Studies Unconference in May. Educators, administrators and parents can now download the brochure, which links to resources, learning games, lesson plans and other interactive materials. Many of these solutions have been researched and tested and all are ready for deployment.
7 Generation Games is proud to support the Social Studies Innovation Network’s solutions for the community’s students and educators.

Social Studies Distance Learning Resources 2020-2021 available to download here or from
You can watch the Social Studies Unconference YouTube playlist to view each contributor’s presentation.
Content Providers at a Glance
Explore resources, lesson plans and activities from the Center for Civic Education, Chef Koochooloo, the Learning Games Lab, and more!
Elementary kids would love KidCitizen’s interactive webisodes. Half Full Nelson offers civic engagement and augmented reality for K-12. Media companies offering fun learning games include Electric Funstuff, Half Full Nelson, iCivics and Second Avenue Learning.
Don’t forget us, 7 Generation Games! We have immersive educational games and interactive apps integrating social studies, math and ELA for K-12.
Social Studies Unconference
So you’ve nailed teaching Social Studies in a classroom. What about teaching Social Studies remotely? The Social Studies Unconference contributors unpack their resources for you. You can conveniently watch these online.
7 Generation Games at Unconference
At the Social Studies UnConference, our CEO Maria Burns Ortiz presented methods to engage kids for at-home learning using our educational resources and tools. Visit this page to learn more about her presentation or contact us. We’re always happy to provide education solutions to engage kids.
Explore 7 Generation Games
Our educational games are ready for class, blended and distance learning. Read about us in the brochure and explore our site. You can also donate our software to a classroom or school in need.
Visit the 7 Generation Games Teacher Site
7 Generation Games has free teacher lesson plans and resources available for you! Visit to discover more free materials for your students.
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