The 7 Generation Games Teacher Resources Library

Hello Teachers and Homeschoolers!

In addition to great games, we at 7 Generation Games have a library of supplemental learning resources for you at – PowerPoints, lesson plans, curriculum building tools, clip art, etc. We offer resources in the following areas:

• Mathematics
• English Language Arts
• Social Studies
• Resources by Game

Our research to date has shown that the math scores of students who played our game improved over the control group (non-game players), regardless of a teacher’s decision to integrate our supplemental resources (over an eight-week period). In instances where the teachers draw from our supplied materials in conjunction with the game, their students’ scores have risen even higher.

Our games track each student’s progress as they advance through the game levels. This progress is charted online for you as individual or group formative assessment. Our games support recall, math literacy, skill application, and analysis. Our games can help you deliver appropriate remote instruction to close achievement gaps, empower students, and instill a love for learning.

We feel that practice and good study habits are their own rewards. Students who develop these skills and habits now have a stronger chance at succeeding in their high school and college years, and we agree that it’s crucial to build those skills now, with our software as a valuable learning tool.

We’re also aware of the impact the pandemic has had upon many rural communities. We are focused on closing the digital divide. We acknowledge and recognize ongoing efforts currently taking place within indigenous and Latinx communities to reclaim their cultures, traditions, and unique historical narratives.

Our resources can help you optimize and differentiate your math lessons to scaffold lessons and target achievement dips in specific areas while building literacy, problem-solving skills, and supporting STEM distance learning with games.

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