What is 1/3 ÷ 2/3? (Keep reading – or just scroll to the bottom of this blog – for the answer.) Now, you probably didn’t start your day out thinking, “You know what I need in my life? More problems.” That is, of course, before you read this blog about our […]
Monthly Archives: August 2016

This may be the only post you read this week, where someone asks you to send in pictures of your refrigerator magnets. This only goes to show you that the tasks one is required to do as a startup founder are unpredictable. Many of our games include mini games as […]
Friends, countrymen lend me your refrigerator magnets

This past month, I’ve been in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana, not necessarily in that order, meeting with educators, social services and home school families interested in playing our games. On the way, I stopped a few times to go hiking. You can figure out a lot just […]
Start-up lessons from Devils Tower

Happy Freebie Friday! It’s Friday, so welcome back to another Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is associated with our game Fish Lake and it is a photo of Ojibwa camp life. More specifically, the photo depicts an elderly Indian woman outside of a teepee that has poles in front of it […]
Freebie Friday: Photo – Ojibwa camp life

Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from February 21, 2013 “Which meet-ups are worth your time?” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. Are meet-ups worth your time? In a word – maybe. It’s […]
Throwback Thursday: Which meet-ups are worth your time?

There’s a lot of talk within the tech world about “What problem is your product solving?” And too often a lot of those problems aren’t actually problems. For example, food delivery is great. Trust me, probably utilize it more often than I should, but an app that integrates say my […]
Developing Technology to Solve Actual Problems

Do a startup they said. It will be fun they said. Meanwhile over here, I’m doing my mad scientist laugh. It goes like this moo ha ha ha. There are some fun parts but look for another post on that as well as how to keep from going insane as […]
The depressing life of founders

Meet Xitlali – I mean, Brissa – from Aztech Games. She’s the 17-year-old character behind the character.
Character behind the characters: Xitlali from Aztech Games

Brief update on my personal life – after returning from my trip to North Dakota and Wyoming, I had surgery to reconstruct my thumb. You can see what my splint looks like below. I got the black one to look like Darth Vader because my granddaughter thinks he’s cool. I […]
Learning from everyone: software and disabilities

Congratulations on making it through another week! It’s Friday and that means that it’s time for the Freebie Friday. To celebrate that for some of you this Friday is the end of your first week of classes back in session or just to simply celebrate that it’s the end of […]
Freebie Friday: Clip art from our games

Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from March 10, 2013 “Two more things I have learned in 55 years: Kindness is never wasted & You just never know” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. […]
Throwback Thursday – Two more things I have learned in ...

I spent this morning working from the sideline of a soccer field. It was not my initial plan, but when my husband called to tell me my 4-year-old was crying and hanging on his leg, refusing to join the group at soccer camp, I saw two real options (leaving her […]