Yearly Archives: 2019

3/3 is a fraction = 1
Is it back to school time already? Yes, it is! Are you ready? No, you are probably not. So, your friends here at 7 Generation Games want to lend a helping hand. To follow up our lesson plans on introducing fractions and teaching equivalent fractions, we want to talk about […]

When does a fraction = 1? Another back-to-school lesson plan

find an equivalent fraction to 2 out of 5 fish
Equivalent fractions are different fractions that name the same number. The numerator and the denominator of a fraction must be multiplied by the same nonzero whole number in order to have equivalent fractions. The presentations and videos below provide multiple explanations and examples. Using Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line I really like this PPT […]

Math Lesson – Equivalent fractions

Introducing fractions can be done with anything , like that 2/8 of these snakes are brown
STANDARD: Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b AAGH! It’s August and almost back to school time. Maybe you are that super-teacher who has everything ready. For the rest of you mere humans, who wish you could have a lesson plan together in just 10 minutes, have […]

Introducing Fractions : Lesson Plan

Learn time rate distance problems with grandma
Time-rate-distance problems are word problems that involve the distance an object will travel at a certain average rate for a given period of time. This type of problem drives many students crazy. That’s why we find it so helpful to have multiple examples. Okay, maybe this is a 15-minute lesson, […]

Time-rate-distance problems : 10-minute lesson

Learn division with refrigerator magnets
Intern Diaries contribution from Irma Barcena I remember in kindergarten, I would give my mother my work and she would hang it on the fridge. It varied from art and colored pictures. As I got older, it became assignments and tests where I did well, and eventually only the As […]

From papers on the refrigerator to division magnets