Integrating Math, Indigenous and Latino History

“My grandchildren will not choose between learning their culture and learning math.”

Dr. Erich Longie, Spirit Lake Dakota

The short story of how Spirit Lake: The Game, our first game, began is that Erich and I had just finished a week in D.C. analyzing the National Indian Education Study and had found that schools that spent more time on culture and language studies had lower math scores.

Solution: Teach math and social studies at the same time

I say Social Studies, not history, because Indigenous people are still here and not only part of our history. Our games include converting from miles to kilometers while retracing the Ojibwe migration, finding the ratio of twins to single lambs on a Navajo sheep ranch and answering division problems in Lakota.

We also have games integrating Latino history and culture,

All of our games are created with the communities represented as consultants and game testers. Games can be used as a stand-alone activity but we highly recommend checking the lesson plans using our games are available on the Growing Math site.

Trade points to customize your wigwam

Find the game for your device




Windows/ Mac computers

Games for Chromebooks

GAMEMathematics StandardSocial Studies
Making Camp OjibweGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp BilingualGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history, Spanish
Making Camp PremiumGrades 3-4 Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp LakotaGrades 3-4 DivisionLakota history and language
Making Camp DakotaGrades 4-5 DivisionDakota history and culture
Forgotten TrailGrades 4-6 Fractions, Statistics, MeasurementOjibwe history
AzTech: The Story BeginsGrades 4-6 Fractions, StatisticsLatino history, Spanish
AzTech: Meet the MayaGrades 5-6 StatisticsLatino history, Spanish
Making Camp Navajo
(in beta)
Grades 6-7 Ratio and proportionNavajo history

Games for iPads

GAMEMathematics StandardSocial Studies
Making Camp OjibweGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp BilingualGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp PremiumGrades 3-4 Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp LakotaGrades 3-4 DivisionLakota history and language
Math: The Universal Language
Grade 4 Division. Augmented reality appLakota language
Math: The Universal Language
Grade 4 Division. Augmented reality app
Dakota language
Fish LakeGrade 4-5 FractionsOjibwe history
AzTech: The Story BeginsGrades 4-6 Fractions, StatisticsLatino history, Spanish
AzTech: Meet the MayaGrades 5-6 StatisticsLatino history, Spanish
AzTech: Empiric EmpireGrade 6 StatisticsLatino history, Spanish

Games for Windows or Mac Computers

GAMEMathematics StandardSocial Studies
Spirit Lake: The GameGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionDakota history
Spirit Lake Beginnings- LakotaGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionDakota history, Lakota language
Fish LakeGrade 4-5 FractionsOjibwe history
Making Camp OjibweGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp BilingualGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp PremiumGrades 3-4 Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp LakotaGrades 3-4 DivisionLakota history and language
AzTech: The Story BeginsGrades 4-6 Fractions, StatisticsLatino history, Spanish
AzTech: Meet the MayaGrades 5-6 StatisticsLatino history, Spanish

Games for Android

GAMEMathematics StandardSocial Studies
Making Camp OjibweGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp BilingualGrades 3-4: Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp PremiumGrades 3-4 Multiplication, DivisionOjibwe history
Making Camp LakotaGrades 3-4 DivisionLakota history and language
Math: The Universal Language
Grade 4 Division. Augmented reality appLakota language
Math: The Universal Language
Grade 4 Division. Augmented reality app
Dakota language
AzTech: Empiric EmpireGrade 6 StatisticsLatino history, Spanish